Adding a push-button and connecting it up the a GPIO port is as simple as writing a tiny pyhon script to initialize the IO port for input and utilizing a built-in pull-Up button. The Raspberry PI button is then capable to act as a Doorbell button.
After I connected the loudspeaker to the USB soundcard and soldered the USB connection from the Raspberry PI to the sound card I was then able to use alsaconfig to select it and then use:
speaker-test -c2 -twav
to actually hear some audio through the soundcard.
Now the next step was to connect GPIO port 17 to GND and use the built in bull-down-resistors to detect a button-press event.
Here is the – python script which I use.
#!/usr/bin/python2.7 import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import subprocess GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) def my_callback(channel): ( "/root/bin/" ) # add falling edge detection on a channel, ignoring further edges for 400ms for switch bounce handling GPIO.add_event_detect(17, GPIO.FALLING, callback=my_callback, bouncetime=400) while True: # Loop once a day time.sleep(24*60*60) GPIO.cleanup()
This script is straightforward and is simply waiting for a button press on GPIO pin 17 ( to GND ). The final loop is a forever loop with a one-day delay which will help keep the responsiveness of the Raspberry PI button at a good level. If during this time a button press was detected, then the – script, which in turn plays a sound on the speaker.
I plugged it into /root/bin/ and made sure it is executable
sudo mkdir /root/bin sudo vi /root/bin/ sudo chmod +x /root/bin/
Below is the pin-out of the Raspberry PI Zero W.

GPIO ports
In this case I connected GPIO17 ( orange wire ) and GND ( blue wire ) ( PIN 11, and PIN 14 ) to the doorbell button.

Instead of packing all the functionality into one python script I decided to have python call a simple bash – script to do the actual work. Here is the script, which is called by the python script and also resides in /root/bin/
#!/bin/bash mpg=`pidof mpg123` if [ "x${mpg}" == "x" ]; then mpg123 /root/SoundHelix-Song-14.mp3 & else killall -9 mpg123 fi echo "Ding Dong"
sudo vi /root/bin/ sudo chmod +x /root/bin/
As the last step I wanted to have this script run all the time and to make sure it is started at startup of the PI :
[Unit] Description=Push Button Service [Service] ExecStart=/root/bin/ StandardOutput=null [Install] Alias=ipush_button.service
sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/push_button.service sudo systemctl enable push_button
The Raspberry PI button is now all set to act as the Doorbell button for my Video-Doorbell project.